A Multi-Target, Multi-Paradigm DSL Compiler for Algorithmic Graph Processing
A Multi-Target, Multi-Paradigm DSL Compiler for Algorithmic Graph Processing
05 December 2022
Domain-specific language compilers need to close the gap between the domain abstractions of the language and the low-level concepts of the target platform. This can be challenging to achieve for compilers targeting multiple platforms with potentially very different computing paradigms. In this paper, we present a multi-target, multi-paradigm DSL compiler for algorithmic graph processing. Our approach centers around an intermediate representation and reusable, composable transformations to be shared between the different compiler targets. These transformations embrace abstractions that align closely with the concepts of a particular target platform, and disallow abstractions that are semantically more distant. Our compiler supports four different target platforms, each involving a different computing paradigm. We report on our experience implementing the compiler and highlight some of the challenges and requirements for applying language workbenches in industrial use cases.
Venue : SLE (Software Language Engineering) 2022
File Name : SLE2022-Archivist.pdf