GC Interface in the EVM¹, The
GC Interface in the EVM¹, The
01 December 1998
This document describes how to write a garbage collector (GC) for the EVM. It assumes that the
reader has a good understanding of garbage collection issues and some familiarity with the JavaTM
language. The EVM is part of a research project at Sun Labs. The interfaces described in this document
are under development and are guaranteed to change. In fact, the purpose of this document is to solicit
feedback to improve the interfaces described herein. As a result, specific product plans should not be
based on this document; everything is expected to change.1EVM, the Java virtual machine known previously
as ExactVM, is embedded in Sun's Java 2 SDK Production Release for SolarisTM, available at
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File Name : smli_tr-98-67.pdf