A Network Architecture for the Web of Things

A Network Architecture for the Web of Things

Poornaprajna Udupi, Ron Goldman, Vipul Gupta

16 June 2011

The "Web of Things" is emerging as an exciting vision for seamlessly integrating everyday objects like home appliances, digital picture frames, health monitoring devices and energy meters into the Internet using the Web's well-known stan- dards and blueprints. The key idea is to represent resources on these devices as URIs and use HTTP verbs (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE) as the uniform interface to manipulate them. Unfortunately, practical considerations such as band- width or energy constraints, rewalls/NATs and mobility pose interesting challenges in the realization of this ideal vi- sion. This paper describes these challenges, identi es some potential solutions and presents the design and implemen- tation of a gateway-based network architecture to address these concerns. To the best of our knowledge, it represents the rst attempt within the Web of Things community to tackle these issues in a comprehensive manner.

Venue : N/A

External Link: http://www.webofthings.org/wot/2011/papers/Pervasive2011.Workshop09.Paper03.pdf