Improved dataflow executions with user assisted scheduling.
Improved dataflow executions with user assisted scheduling.
07 September 2013
In pure dataflow applications scheduling can have a huge effect on the memory footprint and number of active tasks in the program. However, in impure programs, scheduling not only effects the system resources, but can also effect the overall time complexity and accuracy of the program. To address both of these aspects this paper describes and analyses effective extensions to a dataflow scheduler to allow programmers to provide priority information describing the preferred execution order of a dataflow graph. We demonstrate that even very crude task priority metrics can be extremely effective, providing an average saving of 91% over the worst case scenario and 60% over the best case naive scenario. We also note that by specifying the scheduling information explicitly based on the algorithm, not the hardware, we provide portability to the application.
Venue : 3rd International Workshop on Data-Flow Models For Extreme Scale Computing (DFM)
File Name : dfm2013.pdf