Adaptive Coordination Among Fuzzy Reinforcement Learning Agents Performing Distributed Dynamic Load Balancing

Adaptive Coordination Among Fuzzy Reinforcement Learning Agents Performing Distributed Dynamic Load Balancing

David Vengerov, Hamid Berenji, Alex Vengerov

01 August 2002

In this paper we present an adaptive multi-agent coordination algorithm applied to the problem of distributed dynamic load balancing. As a specific example, we consider the problem of dynamic web caching in the Internet. In our general formulation of this problem, each agent represents a mirrored piece of content that tries to move itself closer to areas of the network with a high demand for this item. Each agent in our model uses a fuzzy rulebase for choosing the optimal direction of motion and adjusts the parameters of this rulebase using reinforcement learning. The resulting architecture for multi-agent coordination among fuzzy reinforcement learning agents (MAC-FRL) allows the team of agents to adaptively redistribute its members in the environment to match the changing pattern of demand. We simulate the performance of MAC-FRL and show that it significantly improves performance over non-coordinating agents.

Venue : N/A

File Name : Adaptive coordination among fuzzy reinforcement learning agents performing distributed dynamic load balancing 2002.pdf