The Potential to Coordinate Digital Simulations for UK-wide VET:Report to the Commission on Adult Vocational Teaching and Learning

The Potential to Coordinate Digital Simulations for UK-wide VET:Report to the Commission on Adult Vocational Teaching and Learning

Diana Laurillard, Patricia Charlton, Bernard Horan, Eileen Kennedy, Manolis Mavrikis, Fred Garnett

01 January 2013

The report provides an insight and analysis of the opportunity and potential of simulation tools for Education.In VET learning and assessment are primarily practice-based. Consequently many colleges build simulations of real world locations, such as kitchens, hairdressing salons, garages, building sites, and farms in land-based colleges. A wide-range of digital tools are then used to support, amplify or augment these real-world learning processes, to prepare learners for authentic workplace practice, aid reflection on practice, reinforce their practice-based learning, and to help with revision before assessments. We examine here the particular role of digital simulation technologies alongside other digital applications and conventional methods.

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