Fortress Features and Lessons Learned

Fortress Features and Lessons Learned

Guy Steele

15 June 2016

Slides for an invited keynote talk on June 22, 2016, at the 2016 JuliaCon conference to be held at MIT at the Stata Center. This is an overview of the Fortress programming language, with some comparison to Scala. Many of the slides are taken from two previously approved slide sets (Archivist 2012-0104 and 2012-0284), but some have been updated, and some new slides have been created.

Venue : 2016 JuliaCon conference (about the Julia programming language)

File Name : Makefile

  • File Name : SteeleJuliaCon2016.tex

  • File Name : fortify.sty

  • File Name : body.tex

  • File Name : body.tick

  • File Name : SteeleJuliaCon2016.pdf