Better Splittable Pseudorandom Number Generators (and Almost As Fast)
Better Splittable Pseudorandom Number Generators (and Almost As Fast)
15 April 2017
We have tested and analyzed the {\sc SplitMix} pseudorandom number generator algorithm presented by Steele, Lea, and Flood \citeyear{FAST-SPLITTABLE-PRNG}, and have discovered two additional classes of gamma values that produce weak pseudorandom sequences. In this paper we present a modification to the {\sc SplitMix} algorithm that avoids all three classes of problematic gamma values, and also a completely new algorithm for splittable pseudorandom number generators, which we call {\sc TwinLinear}. Like {\sc SplitMix}, {\sc TwinLinear} provides both a \emph{generate} operation that returns one (64-bit) pseudorandom value and a \emph{split} operation that produces a new generator instance that with very high probability behaves as if statistically independent of all other instances. Also like {\sc SplitMix}, {\sc TwinLinear} requires no locking or other synchronization (other than the usual memory fence after instance initialization), and is suitable for use with {\sc simd} instruction sets because it has no branches or loops. The {\sc TwinLinear} algorithm is the result of a systematic exploration of a substantial space of nonlinear mixing functions that combine the output of two independent generators of (perhaps not very strong) pseudorandom number sequences. We discuss this design space and our strategy for exploring it. We used the PractRand test suite (which has provision for failing fast) to filter out poor candidates, then used TestU01 BigCrush to verify the quality of candidates that withstood PractRand. We present results of analysis and extensive testing on {\sc TwinLinear} (using both TestU01 and PractRand). Single instances of {\sc TwinLinear} have no known weaknesses, and {\sc TwinLinear} is significantly more robust than {\sc SplitMix} against accidental correlation in a multithreaded setting. It is slightly more costly than {\sc SplitMix} (10 or 11 64-bit arithmetic operations per 64 bits generated, rather than 9) but has a shorter critical path (5 or 6 operations rather than 8). We believe that {\sc TwinLinear} is suitable for the same sorts of applications as {\sc SplitMix}, that is, ``everyday'' scientific and machine-learning applications (but not cryptographic applications), especially when concurrent threads or distributed processes are involved.
Venue : 2017 ACM OOPSLA
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