Combining speculative optimizations with flexible scheduling of side-effects
Combining speculative optimizations with flexible scheduling of side-effects
05 April 2016
Speculative optimizations allow compilers to optimize code based on assumptions that cannot be verified at compile time. Taking advantage of the specific run-time situation opens more optimization possibilities. Speculative optimizations are key to the implementation of high-performance language runtimes. Using them requires cooperation between the just-in-time compilers and the runtime system and influences the design and the implementation of both. New speculative optimizations as well as their application in more dynamic languages are using these systems much more than current implementations were designed for. We first quantify the run time and memory footprint caused by their usage. We then propose a structure for compilers that separates the compilation process into two stages. It helps to deal with this issues without giving up on other traditional optimizations. In the first stage, floating guards can be inserted for speculative optimizations. Then the guards are fixed in the control-flow at appropriate positions. In the second stage, side-effecting instructions can be moved or reordered. Using this framework we present two optimizations that help reduce the run-time costs and the memory footprint. We study the effects of both stages as well as the effects of these two optimizations in the Graal compiler. We evaluate this on classical benchmarks targeting the JVM: SPECjvm2008, DaCapo and Scala-DaCapo. We also evaluate JavaScript benchmarks running on the Truffle platform that uses the Graal compiler. We find that combining both stages can bring up to 84% improvement in performance (9% on average) and our optimization of memory footprint can bring memory usage down by 27% to 92% (45% on average).
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