Self-Specialising Interpreters and Partial Evaluation

Self-Specialising Interpreters and Partial Evaluation

Chris Seaton

08 August 2016

Abstract syntax trees are a simple way to represent programs and to implement language interpreters. They can also be an easy way to produce high performance dynamic compilers through combining then with self-specialisation and partial evaluation. Self-specialisation allows the nodes in a program tree to rewrite themselves with more specialised variants in order to increase performance, such as replacing methods calls with inline caches or to replace stronger operations with weaker ones based on profiled types. Partial evaluation can then take this specialised abstract syntax tree and produce optimised machine code based on it. We’ll show how these two techniques work and how they have been implemented by Oracle Labs in Truffle and Graal and used in implementations of languages including JavaScript, C, Ruby, R and more.

Venue : International Summer School on Metaprogramming

File Name : metass.pdf