Supporting Maintenance and Evolution of Access Control Models in Web Applications
Supporting Maintenance and Evolution of Access Control Models in Web Applications
01 October 2014
This paper presents an approach to support the maintenance and evolution of Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) models with reverse-engineered Secure UML models. Starting from the Policy Decision Points (PDP) and Policy Enforcement Points (PEP) of an application, our approach statically reverse-engineers the implemented Secure UML model of an application. The secure UML model is then stored in an RDF triple store for easy querying and exploration. In the context of this study, we extracted the Secure UML model of the GRAND Forum, a web-based forum for the members of the GRAND (Graphics, Animation and New Media) NCE (Networks of Centers of Excellence), that is developed and maintained at the University of Alberta. Using three real use-case scenarios, we illustrate how simple queries to the extracted Secure UML can save developers significant amounts of manual work and support them in their access control related maintenance and evolution tasks.
Venue : ICSME 2014:5pp.
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