Online Selection with Cumulative Fairness Constraints

Online Selection with Cumulative Fairness Constraints

Ari Kobren, Swetasudha Panda, Michael Wick

22 February 2022

We propose and study the problem of online selection with cumulative fairness constraints. In this problem, candidates arrive online, i.e., one at a time, and the decision maker must choose to accept or reject each candidate subject to a constraint on the history of decisions made thus far. We introduce deterministic, randomized, and learned policies for selection in this setting. Empirically, we demonstrate that our learned policies achieve the highest utility. However, we also show—using 700 synthetically generated datasets— that the simple, greedy algorithm is often competitive with the optimal sequence of decisions, obviating the need for complex (and often inscrutable) learned policies, in many cases. Theoretically, we analyze the limiting behavior of our randomized approach and prove that it satisfies the fairness constraint with high probability.

Venue : AAAI 2022

File Name : AAAI22.pdf

  • File Name : AAAI22_supplement.pdf