Laurent DAYNES

Senior Architect

Laurent DAYNES

Laurent Daynès is a member of the Alphabet project at Oracle Labs. He is a past member of the Maxine project, an investigation of productive meta-circular implementation of the JVM. He also was the main contributor to MVM, the multi-tasking virtual machine from Sun Microsystems Laboratories.  As a research fellow in the University of Glasgow, Scotland, Daynès was the lead designer and implementor of the first prototype of Pjama(TM), a Java Virtual Machine with provision of orthogonal persistence. Prior to this, he has worked at INRIA as a member of a research team developing a persistent programming environment that takes advantage of micro-kernel technologies.

His research interests include virtual machine design and implementation, multi-tenancy, garbage collection, meta-circular design, dynamic optimization, and the integration of type safe programming languages with persistent systems. 

Daynes has a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University Pierre & Marie Curie (Jussieu Paris 6) in France.
