Kenny Gross

Senior Architect

Kenny Gross

Kenny Gross is a Machine Learning Architect in Oracle's Physical Sciences Research Center in San Diego. Kenny has introduced numerous advanced pattern recognition and prognostic machine learning (ML) innovations that are now in use for Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications in the fields of utilities, avionics, manufacturing, enterprise data centers, and life sciences. Kenny has 294 US patents issued and pending on his innovations, 226 scientific publications, and was awarded a 1998 R&D 100 Award for one of the top 100 technological innovations of that year, for an advanced statistical ML technique called MSET that was originally developed for nuclear and aerospace prognostic applications, and is now being used for a variety of IoT applications in Oracle data centers and in many fields of engineering and life sciences. Kenny's Ph.D. is in nuclear engineering from the U. of Cincinnati. Listing of US Patents and Scientific Publications to date:
